Dargi Romani de pretutindeni,

Fie ca locuiti in Romania ori oriunde un alt colt al lumii, vreau sa va amintesc ca duminica 6 Decembrie sunt alegerile. Iar mesajul meu are intentia de a va incuraja sa mergeti la vot!!!!

Daca esti unul din cei care motiveaza ca ”nu se merita” ori ”oricum nu am pe cine vota” sau poate ”las´ca merg altii si-i destul” va reamintesc ca este de datoria voatra ca si romani sa va exprimati DREPTUL de vot.

Sunt sigura, ca daca ar fi existat o lege, prin care va priva de dreptul liber de vot, toata lumea s-ar revolta si s-ar plange ca cei de la putere incearca sa va fure. Acum aveti insa acest drept si cu el puteti demonstra ca VOI sunteti cei ce CONTEAZA, va viitorul Romaniei e SI in mainile voastre, ca viitorul Romaniei ESTE in mainile noastre, a tuturor.

Prin exprimarea votului aratati ca va pasa, aratati ca se merita sa luptati pentru tara voastra, ca se merita sa luptati si nu va ascundeti dupa MOTIVE, si lasati pe cei ce vor sa distruga sa va fure orice drept!!! Daca pierdem, atunci stim ca nu am pierdut pentru ca ne-a fost teama sa luptam. Ganditi-va la o realizare personala, obtinuta vreodata. Cand ati avut cel mai mare succes? Cred ca foarte multi pot spune, ca acel succes a venit dupa o lupta continua, dupa o munca in care gandul infrangerii nu exista ori daca exista, importanta era orientata pe succes si pe dorinta de a reusi. Fiecare succes vine impreuna cu o ”lupta”.

Aveti curajul sa ”luptati”. Fiti mandri ca sunteti romani si demonstrati-o!!!

Daca ai peste 18 ani, incurajeaza-ti parintii, bunicii, incurajeaza-ti copiii sa mearga la vot! Daca ai sub 18 ani, demonstreaza-ti puterea de convingere si trimite-ti familia la vot; convinge-i sa lupte pentru viitorul tau, pentru viitorul Romaniei.

Mie imi pasa de Romania, imi pasa de romani, imi pasa de viitorul nostru iar acest mesaj este doar o incurajare pentru cei indecisi sa se informeze si sa-si exprime dorinta la vot, si un mesaj pentru cei deja decisi sa ii incurajeze si pe cei din jurul lor ca se merita.

Nu vreau sa va incurajez pentru cine sa votati, informati-va ca ceea ce stiti despre cei doi candidati sunt informatii sigure si nu doar zvonuri, asa cum multi pretind ca stiu ei de ce nu voteaza, pentru ca au auzit si din dreapta si din stanga ca unul face intr-un fel altu´ in alt fel. Urmariti dezbaterile, confruntarile dintre cei doi candidati si decideti singuri!!

Aveti acest drept, exprimati-l!!!!

Sunt mandra ca sunt romanca, si merg la vot! Sunt mandra de toti cei ce lupta, indiferent de care vor fi rezultatele. Noi ramanem optimisti, suntem romani optimisti :)!

Royal Denmark - a little bit of history

The Danish monarchy can be traced back more than 1000 years. The Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II, is therefore able to count kings like Gorm the Old (deceased 958) and Harald Bluetooth (deceased 987) among her ancestors.

The Nearest Relations
The Queen's nearest family consists of the Royal Consort Prince Henrik, their sons, Crown Prince Frederik and Prince Joachim, Crown Princess Mary married to Crown Prince Frederik and their son Prince Christian, Prince Joachim's former wife now Countess Alexandra and their two sons Prince Nikolai and Prince Felix and Prince Joachim's wife Princess Marie and their son Prince Henrik.

The Danes and their Queen
Danes are proud of their queen and their royal monarchy. Queen Margrethe is widely respected for her intellectual prowess and her artistic abilities as for example illustrator, set designer for the theatre and textile artist. Along with the Prince Consort, the Queen has translated French literary works into Danish and vice versa.

The Role of the Monarchy
Just like in many other monarchies, a discussion of the role and function of the monarchy takes place in Denmark, but the general tone is much more subdued than what has been the case in other kingdoms.

The PIG of HAPPINESS ,,, he will make you smile

An original film by Edward Monkton. Watching it is likely to make you a happier person. Sharing it with your friends is likely to make them happier too. So spread the love & press play.

Oprah Winfrey in Copenhagen, DK

Denmark 'happiest place on earth'

If it is happiness you are seeking a move to Denmark could be in order, according to the first scientist to make a world map of happiness.

Adrian White, from the UK's University of Leicester, used the responses of 80,000 people worldwide to map out subjective well being. Denmark came top, followed closely by Switzerland and Austria. The UK ranked 41st. Zimbabwe and Burundi came bottom. A nation's level of happiness was most closely associated with health levels. Prosperity and education were the next strongest determinants of national happiness. read more

Measuring happiness

He said: "There is increasing political interest in using measures of happiness as a national indicator in conjunction with measures of wealth. "A recent BBC survey found that 81% of the population think the government should focus on making us happier rather than wealthier. read more

The Oprah Winfrey Show - Oprah on Location: The Happiest People on Earth - 10/21/2009

Women Around the World

In October 2009, Oprah traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark's charming capital city, to support Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympics. Well, Chicago didn't get picked, but that didn't stop Oprah from enjoying her first visit to the country that's considered one of the happiest places on earth.

For the past 30 years, scientific researchers and survey results have all reached the same conclusion—Danes are consistently happier than the rest of the world. On the "world map of happiness"—a map created by a social psychologist in England—Switzerland, Austria and Iceland rank just below Denmark on the happiness scale. Canada comes in at number 10, while the United States is a distant 23rd.

So what makes the Danes so happy? Oprah met up with Nanna Norup, a resident of Copenhagen, to find out. As they walk down the cobblestone streets, Nanna explains some of the differences between Denmark and America.

For instance, in Copenhagen, people are very environmentally conscious. A third of the population rides bikes around the city, many with grocery bags or small children in tow.

Homelessness, poverty and unemployment are also extremely rare in this nation of 5.5 million people. If you lose your job, Nanna says the government continues to pay up to 90 percent of your salary for four years. And not to worry…healthcare is free for everyone.

The Danish government also takes a special interest in mothers and their children. Women typically get six to 12 months in paid maternity leave. And, when it's time to go to college, citizens get paid to go the universities. "When you go to university, then you get paid $400 or $500," Nanna says. "You have free education. Then, you have healthy, well-educated people in the world. What could beat that?"

Women in Denmark also don't feel pressure to get married. Nanna is 44 years old and single, and she says she didn't grow up dreaming of a bridal gowns and weddings. "It's never been a dream of mine," she says. "I don't think my girlfriends had that dream."

Stine, one of Nanna's friends, says she had three children with her partner before they decided to get married.

Watch as Oprah tours Stine's home in Copenhagen. Watch

While visiting another family, Oprah discovers one more reason to be happy in Copenhagen—a delicious bread called Rugbrød! "I so love it," Oprah says. "I have a slice every morning. … It's like eating earth."

"The frustrations of modern life, and the anxieties of the age, seem to be much less significant compared to the health, financial and educational needs in other parts of the world." Mr White (on BBC)

Global Me 2009 in Finland

Jyvaskyla High Schools

The whole Global.Me Team

September hunt

A collection of pictures based upon a list I invented :) Each project takes one month. The task is to find pictures as creative as possible ... every day thinking and searching for the idea that brings the project to a completion. The pictures are being taken by mckatalyn (as is his task to finish the project ;))

sep hunt - 6 - plumbs by ~mckatalyn on deviantART

The list for September:

1 Red hair girl .............NO
2 Cane .....................YES [link]
3 Broken arm ...............YES [link]
4 Mouse......................NO
5 No.25 ....................YES [link]
6 Plumbs ...................YES [link]
7 White rose ...............YES [link]
8 Falling star ..............NO
9 Sign of love .............YES [link]
10 Pink skirt...............YES [link]

sep hunt - 8 - sign of love by ~mckatalyn on deviantART

see all pictures for September

The new list for October is about feelings (this means that there should be more interaction with new people, with strangers). The list is quite complicated but not impossible ... therefore the main task is to find them ALL - no exception!!!

So, how can you capture this feelings and how do you think the pictures would look like? I am so looking forward to see this month´s project accomplished :)

01. Laugh, enjoyment, happiness
02. Desire
03. Thoughtful
04. Meditation
05. Energetic
06. Weirdness
07. Kindness
08. Anger
09. Boredom
10. Freedom
11. Optimism
12. Communication
13. Connection
14. Responsible
15. Helpful

enjoy :) and wait for the end of the month in order to get surprised by the imagination and creativity of this pictures :)

You can also comment on Deviant or here on my Blog, maybe coming with new ideas for November list :) - Ella

Celtic Woman - Caledonia

Lisa Kelly sings "Caledonia" at the Slane Castle, Ireland

The Marshmallow Test

In this reprise of a now-classic Stanford psychological experiment from the 1960s, kids are put in a room with a marshmallow and told they can either eat it immediately or wait until the researcher gets back, and they'll be given a second marshmallow. Hilarity ensues as the kids suffer marshmallow temptation!

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.

But the consequences go deeper: In the New Yorker article "Don’t!" from May that detailed the very same experiment, it turned out that the ones who passed the marshmallow test enjoyed greater success as adults. Said Walter Mischel, the Stanford professor of psychology in charge of the experiment, "What we’re really measuring with the marshmallows isn’t will power or self-control... It’s much more important than that. This task forces kids to find a way to make the situation work for them. They want the second marshmallow, but how can they get it? We can’t control the world, but we can control how we think about it.” read more

Sa zambim impreuna – Daruieste un zambet

S-a initiat campania "ZAMBESTE! e gratis" prin care putem aduce un zambet pe buzele tuturor.

V-ati intrebat vreodata ce se inmulteste fara sa platiti?


Daca ii zambesti cuiva, te ASIGUR ca iti va zambi inapoi. Fac acest exercitiu zilnic:

- ii zambesc partenului cand ma trezesc
- ii zambesc vecinului
- zambesc femeii de serviciu
- zambesc oamenilor pe strada
- zambesc oricui intalnesc, chiar si mie in oglinda :)

Incercati si voi si veti vedea ca lumea va zambeste inapoi. Este un pas mic dar sunt sigura ca merita.

Saptamana asta (21 – 27 Septembrie 2009), cei de la au lansat o initiativa la care subscriu :) citeste mai multe dand clic pe

Se impart zambete saptamana asta, tuturor persoanelor pe care le intalnesti.

Ce inseamna sa daruim un zambet?
Pe o bucatica de hartie vom desena un smile si vom scrie “Un zambet pentru tine”.
Aceasta bucatica de hartie o vom oferi persoanelor din locatiile respective impreuna binenteles cu zambetul nostru propriu :)
Sa zambim impreuna – Daruieste un zambet

Celtic Woman - The Voice

"the Voice" is sung by Lisa Kelly with Mairead Nesbitt on the fiddle.

You raise me up - Celtic Woman

Celtic Woman - A New Journey: Live at Slane Castle, Ireland 2006

Title: You Raise Me Up (not in TV broadcast)
Singers: Hayley Westenra, Chloë Agnew, Órla Fallon, Méav Ní Mhaolchatha, Lisa Kelly, Mairead Nesbitt

The Lake

Poem by Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu. Translation by Leon Levitchi

You raise me up

YOU RAISE ME UP, Music by Secret garden, Vocal: Brian Kennedy and Tracey Campbell

Green Waves - enjoy this beautiful song

Green Waves, Music by Secret Garden Vocal: Karen Matheson


My WISH list till 2011

- learn to play PIANO
- visit UK (LONDON & OXFORD)
- meet a QUEEN
- HELP a complete stranger in need
- live 3 month in INDIA & JAPAN
- Skydiving & bungee jumping
- see the PYRAMIDS
- get a TATTOO
- Ride the Great WALL of CHINA
- Scuba-dive
- have a FOOD FIGHT
- take a HOT-AIR Balloon ride
- SURPRISE someone
- INVENT something
- work for MYSELF
- swim with Dolphins
- plant a TREE
- DANCE to a live audience
- WIN a competition
- right a wrong
- write a POEM for a loved one
- KISS in the RAIN