The Marshmallow Test

In this reprise of a now-classic Stanford psychological experiment from the 1960s, kids are put in a room with a marshmallow and told they can either eat it immediately or wait until the researcher gets back, and they'll be given a second marshmallow. Hilarity ensues as the kids suffer marshmallow temptation!

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.

But the consequences go deeper: In the New Yorker article "Don’t!" from May that detailed the very same experiment, it turned out that the ones who passed the marshmallow test enjoyed greater success as adults. Said Walter Mischel, the Stanford professor of psychology in charge of the experiment, "What we’re really measuring with the marshmallows isn’t will power or self-control... It’s much more important than that. This task forces kids to find a way to make the situation work for them. They want the second marshmallow, but how can they get it? We can’t control the world, but we can control how we think about it.” read more

Sa zambim impreuna – Daruieste un zambet

S-a initiat campania "ZAMBESTE! e gratis" prin care putem aduce un zambet pe buzele tuturor.

V-ati intrebat vreodata ce se inmulteste fara sa platiti?


Daca ii zambesti cuiva, te ASIGUR ca iti va zambi inapoi. Fac acest exercitiu zilnic:

- ii zambesc partenului cand ma trezesc
- ii zambesc vecinului
- zambesc femeii de serviciu
- zambesc oamenilor pe strada
- zambesc oricui intalnesc, chiar si mie in oglinda :)

Incercati si voi si veti vedea ca lumea va zambeste inapoi. Este un pas mic dar sunt sigura ca merita.

Saptamana asta (21 – 27 Septembrie 2009), cei de la au lansat o initiativa la care subscriu :) citeste mai multe dand clic pe

Se impart zambete saptamana asta, tuturor persoanelor pe care le intalnesti.

Ce inseamna sa daruim un zambet?
Pe o bucatica de hartie vom desena un smile si vom scrie “Un zambet pentru tine”.
Aceasta bucatica de hartie o vom oferi persoanelor din locatiile respective impreuna binenteles cu zambetul nostru propriu :)
Sa zambim impreuna – Daruieste un zambet

Celtic Woman - The Voice

"the Voice" is sung by Lisa Kelly with Mairead Nesbitt on the fiddle.

You raise me up - Celtic Woman

Celtic Woman - A New Journey: Live at Slane Castle, Ireland 2006

Title: You Raise Me Up (not in TV broadcast)
Singers: Hayley Westenra, Chloë Agnew, Órla Fallon, Méav Ní Mhaolchatha, Lisa Kelly, Mairead Nesbitt

The Lake

Poem by Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu. Translation by Leon Levitchi

You raise me up

YOU RAISE ME UP, Music by Secret garden, Vocal: Brian Kennedy and Tracey Campbell

Green Waves - enjoy this beautiful song

Green Waves, Music by Secret Garden Vocal: Karen Matheson


My WISH list till 2011

- learn to play PIANO
- visit UK (LONDON & OXFORD)
- meet a QUEEN
- HELP a complete stranger in need
- live 3 month in INDIA & JAPAN
- Skydiving & bungee jumping
- see the PYRAMIDS
- get a TATTOO
- Ride the Great WALL of CHINA
- Scuba-dive
- have a FOOD FIGHT
- take a HOT-AIR Balloon ride
- SURPRISE someone
- INVENT something
- work for MYSELF
- swim with Dolphins
- plant a TREE
- DANCE to a live audience
- WIN a competition
- right a wrong
- write a POEM for a loved one
- KISS in the RAIN

nice pictures :)