Meeting the right people, in the right place, at the right time ... learn from them new things, adapt and move one

Learning does not always mean learning from books or being educated by an institution or person; learning is also a way of adapting to constant new life experiences, taking lessons out of every experience, learning from others, learning from people´s successes or failures, learning from your own successes or failures.

Most of the time for me, the best lessons are those taken from life experiences and from people.

I learned a lot in schools, I learned a lot in the working environment and from books, but the most valuable lessons are the ones learned from mistakes, from failures, from successes and the ones taken from people around me.

Having great people around me, choosing the right ones and keeping them close it is not always an easy task but as I always say: “It is possible” With little effort, everything is possible – it´s all about choices.

Who you are today is defined by the choices you took in the past and if you don´t like who you are today, then make conscious choices for changing something in the future.

This week I feel like I could talk about a lot of things but when starting to write down, there is nothing.

I though felt good this week sharing with very good friends, opinions and advices about life and people. I learned that no matter how good I think I am, I´m never good enough to stop learning. I have met friends I wish I could take them with me back home or sometimes I wish I could bring home in here. I thought I learned that I want to be in only one place and I thought I know where that place is, but it all changed when I less expected.

I always want something new but having something new does not always mean really having it. It´s weird how all this happen; sometimes is even difficult to stop feeling weird bout how all can turn around and change my life ´almost´ completely … but that´s life right?

Learning and just knowing the things, it´s not enough and will never be enough. That is why with every learning experience WE change, we move in different directions, we shift from unknown to known … but while being in the known does not always mean we do know the known. We have to start over … again and again … learn new things, adapt and move one; learn new things, adapt and move one; learn new things … … it never stops!

learn new things, adapt and move one

and meantime remember to enjoy it!


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